On Sun, Apr 08, 2001 at 07:30:05PM -0700, Igor Pruchanskiy wrote:
> Today i finally got to the Mutt MIME configuration part.
> I spent about 10 minutes trying to compile RunningX.ci, link to which i found on
> I was getting all kinds of errors and i did not feel like digging through that, so i
>came up with
> my own little RunningX replacement. Just a simple shell script.
> -- snip --
> #/bin/sh
> if [ "$DISPLAY" = " " ]
> then
> exit 0
> else
> exit 1
> fi
> -- snip --
> I hope that would help someone :)
> igor
Hi Igor,
Thanks for this "un-expected" tip. I posted a query about RunningX on
another list but got no definitive answer.
An application kept on asking for RunningX which unfortunately was not
on my system and I had no idea what it's for or where I can get one...
till now.
Thanks again.
Horace G. Friend III
GnuPG DSA/ElGamal Key Fingerprint
9295 80C4 C723 621B 9C2D B53E D432 7936 4CA9 8AD6