In your, put this statement to trust users:
Ct hgf3
restart sendmail. Should be able to work.
On Tue, Apr 10, 2001 at 07:27:36AM +0800, Horace G. Friend III wrote:
| Hi,
| Sendmail is adding the X-Authentication warning. How do I keep sendmail
| from doing that?
| X-Authentication-Warning: localhost.localdomain: hgf3 set sender to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|using -f
| Thanks.
| --
| Horace G. Friend III
| GnuPG DSA/ElGamal Key Fingerprint
| 9295 80C4 C723 621B 9C2D B53E D432 7936 4CA9 8AD6
I don't want Perl to be beautiful,
I want you to write beautiful programs in Perl.
--Larry Wall, Culture of Perl, August 1997