I just recently got an email from my sister an noticed that Netscape puts an
X-Mailer in the header. This started a mini-quest to get the equivalent into
mine. I delved into the man pages of grep, sed and awk only to find that my best
solution came from you guys from my last question concerning the
X-Operating-System problem.
The resulting line from that was
my_hdr X-Operating-System: `uname -rsm` `uptime | sed s/.*up/up/ | sed
so I adopted it to
my_hdr X-Mailer: `mutt -v| grep Mutt -n|grep 1:|sed s/.*Mutt/Mutt/`
As you can see this is a round about way of doing it... But it also leaves on
the day I compiled this version of Mutt. What would be the best way to chop that
date off?