You can not tell Mutt to use external smtp server if i am not mistaking. It has to
use your local sendmail or another mailer.
And it does not send your message body as an attachment. It just looks like it, if you
are talking about the screen where you hit "y"
to send mail out.
On Sun 08 Apr 2001, Dave Csercsics wrote:
> Ok, Mutt ios a great program and all that but I have a couple questions. Well a
>problem and a question. The problem is that
> I cannot figure out how to tell mutt the name of my smtp server so that I can get
>mutt to send mail. I can receive fine but not
> send. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated. Now my question. When I am
>done editing the body of my message
> why is it put into the message that I am about to send as an attachment rather than
>in the message body? How would you
> change that so that when you edit a message it gets put in the body of the message
>you are about to send. That is all I
> have for now. I think this program is great and I would like it even more if I could
>send my mail.