On Sun, Apr 08, 2001 at 01:57:00PM -0400, Phil Sexton wrote: > I would like for the mail directory to be displayed when mutt opens. I.E, > what I see when I use c ?. > > Does anyone have an idea on how to do this? mutt -y -- Encrypted Emails strongly preferred! Get PGP from: http://www.pgpi.org PGP-Key: 1024D/DFFE21F1 - Get it from http://mmc.sourceforge.net/biesi.asc Key fingerprint = E60D 24FC BBC5 97CE 5421 C0FE 311B 7F82 DFFE 21F1
- Open mutt with the mail directory displayed? Phil Sexton
- Re: Open mutt with the mail directory displaye... Igor Pruchanskiy
- Re: Open mutt with the mail directory displaye... Johannes Huettemeister
- Christian Biesinger