* Suresh Ramasubramanian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2001-04-07, 09:11 +0530]:
> Using a large mallet, Ville Uski whacked out:
> > is there any chance to get mutt working on MS-DOS or Windows 3.1?
> > This would be for my mother. She's currently using MS-Mail...
>  Doubt if a port of cygwin exists for DOS / 'doze 3.1

I have used MinGW to compiled Mutt for win32 (gives a nice speed gain
compared to cygwin) by disabling most extensions and implement
workarounds for some calls to 'fork'.  A quick try show that v2 of DJGPP
compiles it too, and with the DPMI server that follows I can run Mutt on
my old 386 with DOS-5, no Windows (and no network card:p).  It's rather
crippled though.. wouldn't recommend it for your mother unless she is
used to Mutt and can't do without


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