On Thu, Apr 05, 2001 at 12:49:19AM -0400, Joe Philipps wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 04, 2001 at 02:35:47AM +0200, Johannes Zellner wrote:
> >Hi,
> >
> >I just recognized that
> >
> ># bla \
> >mailboxes \
> > =bla \
> > =more \
> > !
> >
> >will disable all the lines! So the line continuation
> >seems to be also valid at the end of comment lines.
> >Is this a bug or a feature? -- Is this documented
> >somewhere?
> Kinda off topic, but this is the case w/ TCL. In fact, there's some
> "interesting" code at the beginning of some TCL (tclsh) (and friends
> like wish(1)) scripts to get sh to search PATH for tclsh which relies
> on this property of what one might call a "comment continuation."
> Perhaps whoever wrote the parser code for the Mutt configuration files
> is an avid TCL programmer as well? :^)
I know TCL, and yes I know also this feature of TCL. But I wasn't
aware (and didn't event thing about) that this feature would exist
also in mutt. Actually it took me quite a while to figure out this
configuration problem in my ~/.muttrc. I don't really care about
mutt should behave, but I think allowing line continuation at the
end of comment lines is not obvious at all, and should be well
documented -- I didn't find any docs about that.