Quite off-topic, but quite scary too:

Some users of our network (a Debian mail server with postfix, procmail,
uw-imap, uw-ipop3d and Oulook Express clients) report instances of
merged e-mail messages: two separate messages become one with merged
headers and loss of one of the messages' body.

Myself (using fetchmail and procmail) I have occasionnaly received
merged messages in which the bodies were joined by a thick slab of null

Has anybody dealt with theses phenomena yet? 

[ see example of merged message as attachment ]

First Law of System Requirements:
   "Anything is possible if you don't know what you're talking about..."
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Date: Wed, 04 Apr 2001 15:52:00 +0200
Subject: proposition de rendez-vous de la part de Bernard ACHACHE
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Monsieur WELSCH

Nous avons bien re=E7u votre courrier du 27 mars ce dont nous vous remercions

Bernard ACHACHE vous propose les rendez-vous suivants =E0 la TOUR MONTPARNASS=

- le 4 avril =E0 19 h
- le 5 avril =E0 19 h
- le 12 avril =E0 19 h

Merci de nous faire savoir si l'un de ces rendez-vous peut vous convenir

Dans cette attente et avec l'assurance de nos sentiments d=E9vou=E9s

Dominique MOLL

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