( Apr-04-2001 ) Thomas Duterme <--:
> This was just my gut feeling for how to speed through mail
> in the pager.  Anyone have any other clever ways?  I'd love
> to hear how others browse through high quantities of mail.

I use colors to support me in quick-reading like this:

1. grouping mail
I splitted my mails into several groups of same level and/or
importance first, example: all mailinglists from the same address
except the security list which is an extra group with all other
security lists.

2. Pager header lines
Then I decided which header lines I wanted to see, in my case I
have only To and Subject because my status line contains From
And I defined the order of those to be To and then Subject (The
date is better seen in the index.)

3. Color choice
Now I made myself a couple of eye-friendly color combinations to
be used for all those groups.

4. in my muttrc it finally looks like this:
set pager format="%Z:%C/%m %a"        # status line of pager
hdr_order To: Subject:                # header order in pager
# To: patterns that influence the color of the first line
color header black green "mutt-users" # black on green this list
color header white black "pacholleck" # white on black personal
color header white red "security"     # white on red security lists

You could do the same with Subject: lines, or use the from as a
third line if your attention needs to catch certain people.

I only use the pager to browse through my mail starting with the
first one and only look onto the first two lines, decide by color
first, then fly over the subject line - this is done within just
a few seconds. Whenever there is for instance a personal mail
color changes automatically to white on black which will get my
attention cause it is the only black one.

Just a suggestion.

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