* Johannes Huettemeister ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> On Wed Apr 04, 2001 at 04:5129PM +0200, Marco Ahrendt wrote:
> > On Wed, Apr 04, 2001 at 02:38:52PM +0200, Johannes Huettemeister wrote:
> > > hi,
> > > 
> > > how do i keep a mailbox (in the pager) marked as new when there are
> > > still unread mails in that box.
> > > e.g. when i got 2 new mail in a mailbox (marked N), than enter the
> > > mailbox and read only 1 mail, than leave the mailbox, the mailbox is
> > > not marked N anymore, even if i left one mail unread.
> > > 
> > > does anyone got a hint?
> > 
> > use maildir instead of mailbox. mailbox can't store the N flag.
> > 
> Hi marco,
> does that make sense when filtering mails with procmail to nearly 10
> mailboxes?

WARNING: tangent follows

Yeah, how exactly are you supposed to filter mail into seperate
mailboxes when using Maildir? It seems that it forces you to 
either a) sort realtime (each time the mail folder is opened) or b) have
seperate mail folders that each contain all the message files. Neither
of those are very good solutions imho.

I'd like to start using Maildir (it was markedly faster), but I can't 
go without sorting. I'm on dozens of lists and get tens of thousands of
emails a month. One big box will **NOT** suffice :P


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