On Mon, Apr 02, 2001 at 09:05:22AM -0700, Justin Burke wrote:
> I would like Mutt be alert me when I'm replying to a message where the
> address in the To: header is different than my default address, but
> still within my domain name. My default address is [EMAIL PROTECTED],
> but sometimes I like to send out mail as [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> When I reply to messages that are addressed to
> [EMAIL PROTECTED], I often forget to reply with that same
> address and will end up using my default address.
> Is there a way for Mutt to recognize this situation and then either
> alert me about it or take some default action (ie. use the
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] address by default)?

you coul use a send-hook:

send-hook jburke-sometaghere "my_hdr From: Big Bang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; 
my_hdr Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]"

Don't forget to use also a default hook, otherwise the headers won't reverse
back to your real address.

send-hook . "my_hdr From: Big Bang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; my_hdr


Sandro Dentella  *:-)

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