* Joshua Haberman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [010403 09:24]:
> try:
> :0:
> * ^TOvim@vim\.org
> vim
> or (untested, just came across it in the manpage):
> :0:
> * ^TO_vim@vim\.org
> vim
> $ man procmailrc
> The only problem I have with the above rule is that if someone mails the
> list and cc's you, both mails end up in the list's folder. If anyone
> knows of a good, simple way to prevent this, please let me know.

Maybe something like this.

* ^TO_joshua@haberman\.com

* ^TO_vim@vim\.org

All the days of the poor are evil: a
secure mind is like a continual feast.
   -- Proverbs 15:14

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