On Mon, Apr 02, 2001 at 01:52:07PM +0100, Brian Foley wrote:
> * Horace G. Friend III [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] on [01-04-01] wrote:
> > I tried the perl script but I'm getting an error when trying the execute
> > the macro. The error message:
> >
> > sh: -c line 1: syntax error near unexpected token `<abookadd.pl>'
> > sh: -c line 1: `<abookadd.pl>'
> Horace,
> In the macro line that you put in your .muttrc replace <$TMP_FILE>
> with the absolute path to the temporary file you want to use (as set
> in line 16 of the script). Also change <abookadd.pl> to the absolute
> path of where you have put my script, and then make it executable (but
> I think you have done that already).
> That should fix it.
> Brian.
> --
> Brian Foley -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- www.maths.tcd.ie/~brianf
> Visit the Intervarsity Track & Field web-site: www.iv2001.com
It works!
Thanks Brian.
Horace G. Friend III
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