Hello amutt,
> Hi to all...
> I have to debian mashines, one with potato as router an one as my
> workstation with woody.
> On woody, I have a selfcompiled mutt 1.3.15i with several vvv- Patches
> including the nntp-patch.
> I installed leafnode on my router an I am able to read news with. It works
> fine.
> But I'm not able to post messages, I tried it serveral time, an I got only
> an message as this:
> My MTA is exim 3.12. Where is the error, where I have to look for?
The bad message:
You have to configure inews or cnews properly.
The good message:
You can try my deb's, I have included a simple perlscript
to post news to nntp-servers.
(you need a perl modul: apt-get install libnews-nntpclient-perl)
And here the line's for sources.list:
# Packman unstable
deb ftp://ftp.links2linux.de/pub/packman/debian/ unstable/i386/
deb-src ftp://ftp.links2linux.de/pub/packman/debian/ unstable/src/
# Packman stable
deb ftp://ftp.links2linux.de/pub/packman/debian/ stable/i386/
deb-src ftp://ftp.links2linux.de/pub/packman/debian/ stable/src/
Compressed-folder patch is applied, too.
Mutt 1.3.17
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