On Sat, Mar 31, 2001 at 04:22:42PM +1000, Tony Collins wrote:
> Please forgive what's probably a dumb question, but how do you make mutt
> sign or encrypt mails with GnuPG?
After compiling and installing mutt, in the /usr/local/doc/mutt/samples
directory, there is a file called gpg.rc.
You can put the contents of this file in your .muttrc or copy the file
someplace and then put something like the following in your .muttrc
source ~/pathtofile/mutt.gpgrc
Of course, you can call it what you want.
You also will need to install gnupg also.
Frank Hahn
Fuch's Warning:
If you actually look like your passport photo, you aren't well
enough to travel.