Ailbhe Leamy wrote:
> Subject: "Randomly" change From: and signature using Macros
> Is this possible? I can't find anything really useful using a Google
> search.

For the "From:" you could specify a shell script that outputs
your desired "From:" address on stdout, then use a send-hook to
call it.  For example, if the script to generate your "From:"
address is ~/.mutt/selectfrom (and is mode +x) you could:

        send-hook . "set from=\"`~/.mutt/selectfrom`\""

(Note the use of backquotes for command substitution.)

For the signature, just specify the script with a pipe.  If
$signature ends with a pipe ('|'), it is treated as a shell
command and its stdout is used as the signature.  If you had a
script ~/.mutt/createsig that delivered a random signature on
stdout, then:

        set signature='~/.mutt/createsig|'

Good luck.  :)

        -- Mr. Wade

Linux: The Choice of the GNU Generation

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