On Sat, Mar 24, 2001 at 12:09:08AM +0100, Sven Guckes wrote:
> * Eugene Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [010322 23:39]:
> > I'm just curious to ask is there a timetable for Mutt 1.3 to
> > go stable and be released (Mutt 1.4 I assume?). It would be
> > neat if Mutt had a modular structure that lets people add
> > functionality without having to significantly modify the core.
> mutt should become a linux kernel module soon.
As a reply to my previous post: let this be a lesson for everybody to
not read the vim and mutt-users mailing lists at the same time and
mixing subjects up completely :-) You will make a fool of yourself in
front of everybody :-) Sorry for the noise. And no offence to emacs
users on this list ofcourse :-)