On Fri, Mar 23, 2001 at 06:39:48PM +0100, Jerome De Greef wrote:
> (hum, I think I don't get the point on this one)

I noticed. ;)

The point is, it gives away information that maybe some people don't
want to give away.

Using a randomly-rotated 3- or 4-character string would be far better
than using an incrementing single character.

Regardless of what types of kind of sarcasm about paranoia you can throw
at this, I think there are enough people who would appreciate such an
improvement -- especially one which has no detractors other than folks
who just are not willing to change things.

Many people (besides myself) rewrite Message-IDs for exactly this
reason.  This change would make that no longer necessary.

Do you have people looking at your User-Agent string?  Yes/no?  How do
you know?  Well if you aren't concerned then you can leave the string
in, or take it out; that's why this option exists.  Someone somewhere
didn't like it, and now we have the user_agent option.  Did you
disparage that idea at the time too?  ;)

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