I have this in my muttrc and it works fine
open-hook \\.gz$ "gzip -cd %f > %t"
close-hook \\.gz$ "gzip -c %t > %f"
append-hook \\.gz$ "gzip -c %t >> %f"
On Fri, Mar 23, 2001 at 10:56:35AM -0600, Chuck Campbell muttered:
| I just downloaded and installed 1.2.5i with the compressed folder option,
| but I haven't (yet) understood the information on using this option.
| The manual.txt file gives some open-hook, close-hook, append-hook
| examples, but I'm left baffled by reading it all.
| Am I supposed to put something like open-hook \\.gz$ "gzip -cd %f > %t"
| into my .muttrc? If so where? If not, do I need to type all of that
| every time I wish to open a gzipped mail folder?
| I'm just overwhelmed by all the stuff here and don't understand it yet.
| Any help will be appreciated.
| (BTW, gpg/pgp comes next :-)
| thanks,
| -chuck
| --
| ACCEL Services, Inc.| Specialists in Gravity, Magnetics | 1(713)993-0671 ph.
| 1980 Post Oak Blvd. | and Integrated Interpretation | 1(713)960-1157 fax
| Suite 2050 | |
| Houston, TX, 77056 | Chuck Campbell | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| | President & Senior Geoscientist |
| "Integration means more than having all the maps at the same scale!"
/Jason G Helfman
"At any given moment, you may find the ticket to the circus that has always
been in your possession."
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