On 2001-03-22 19:12:31 -0500, Cristian Gheorghe wrote:

> I can see how to attach a file, specify the address, subject, etc. It's
> just that if I want to do this from the command line without going
> inside the interface I can not.
> mutt -y [EMAIL PROTECTED] -s "Build Failed" -a ./build.log
> Is there any way I can do this from a script without having to go inside
> the actual interface?

Yes.  Just give mutt the message's body on stdin, and don't use -y.
That is, do something like this:

        mutt -s "build failed" [EMAIL PROTECTED] < ./build.log
        mutt -s "build failed" [EMAIL PROTECTED] -a build.log < body.txt

Thomas Roessler                     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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