Does anyone know if you can save all messages, instead of holding down the "y" key, 
which is macro'ed as specified below?

Is there a way to execute the "y" macro N times, where N is the number of messages in 
a mail box?

How about <tag-prefix><save-message><enter> saving messages to their "save-hook"'d 
places, instead of to the mailbox that the first
message is "save-hook"ed to?

----- Original Message -----
From: "Duke Normandin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Malcolm Boekhoff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "Mutt User List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2001 8:49 PM
Subject: Re: Mutt: Reading POP3 mail and moving the messages to folders based on To: 
and Cc: headers, before the messages are read.

> On Tue, Mar 20, 2001 at 10:32:35AM -0800, Enoch Wu wrote:
> > Using Mutt to do the job is stretching it quite a bit. Sometimes you have
> > to use the right tool (like procmail) to do the job. However, the .muttrc
> > snippet below should work but it does require you to hold down the "y" key
> > while viewing the index page. The "save-hook" method gets around an
> > occasional problem you would have if you use the "tag-pattern" method.
> >
> > save-hook  "~h cygwin@"  +cygwin
> > save-hook  "~h cygwin-apps@"  +cygwin-apps
> > save-hook  "~h cygwin-digest-help@"  +cygwin-digest-help
> > save-hook  "~h mutt-users@"  +mutt-users
> > save-hook  "~h yourlogin@ | ~h yourlogin2@ | ~f someperson@" +To.Me
> > save-hook  "~h *"  +other
> >
> > macro index "y" "<save-message><return>"  "Hold down y key to move
> > messages
> >
> > On Tue, 20 Mar 2001, Malcolm Boekhoff wrote:
> >
> > > I want to retrieve messages from a POP3 mailbox and move them into folders 
>(using Mutt's pattern recognition expression
> > > "~C") depending upon their To: or Cc: headers.
> > >
> > > N.B. I don't want to read the messages before they are moved. I want them moved 
>into separate folders, so that I can switch to
> > > folders to read the messages.
> > >
> > > Once they have been moved into such folders, I don't want them moved again.
> > >
> > > Can somebody please tell me what I should set up to do this? I have been lead to 
>believe that I can use a macro to switch the
> > > "spoolfile", use the 'G' <fetch-mail> command then switch the spoolfile back to 
>$MAIL, however, I don't really understand what
> > > should set "spoolfile", "mbox" to. I thought I could maybe use "save-hook"s to 
>do this, but the documentation is not very
helpful on
> > > these, for simple-minds like mine.
> > >
> > > What I want is:
> > >
> > > +mutt
> > > +cygwin
> > > +mbox
> > >
> > > I want all messages downloaded from the POP3 server to go into +mbox, but those 
>matching "~C *cygwin*" to go into +cygwin and
> > > matching "~C *mutt*" to go into +mutt. I want the messages moved before I read 
> > >
> Hi....
> I'm new to Mutt, so what follows may need some fine-tuning! I've set up
> the following macros in my /etc/muttrc file. In the "main index" where
> you first see the contents of your "spoolfile", I simply run each macro.
> So far, I haven't had a problem. Each "logical message groupings" - be
> they mailing lists; personal mail, etc. is "saved" each in their
> "mailbox".
> mailboxes `echo $HOME/mutt/folders/[A-Z]*`
> macro index "\cy" "<tag-pattern>~C
> macro index "\ey" "<tag-pattern>~C 
> macro index "\ez" "<tag-pattern>~C
> macro index "\ex" "<tag-pattern>~C
> macro index "\ec" "<tag-pattern>(~C cygwin@)|(~C
> Works for me, and it's an easy way to "filter" your spoolfile. What's
> left over is usually spam or misc. "acceptable" stuff.
> If there's any MMMs ( Mutt Macro Maestro ) ;,) reading this post, I'm
> wondering how I could combine all of the above macros, into one huge one?
> If that's possible, would it then be possible to load the huge macro into
> a "push"? I'm thinking of a "push" command at the bottom of my
> /etc/muttrc file.
> Anyway Malcolm --- HTH! Later....
> --
> -duke
> Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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