On Tue, Mar 06, 2001 at 05:53:55PM +0000, Norbert Lieckfeldt wrote:
> ++ 06/03/01 10:27 -0700 - Charles Curley:
> > At 07:31 PM 3/5/01 +0000, Norbert Lieckfeldt wrote:
> > >I am trying to use mutt under win2k and under Mandrake 7.2. It works fine
> > >under Linux. Having tried Mutt, going back to Pine is quite painful.
> > >
> > >Having downloaded the cygwin files, I am trying to start the shell but
> > >when executing the command 'mutt' in c:\cygwin\bin, I get the message that
> > >cygint.dll cannot be found. Any ideas where I can get this from. I tried
> > >dej^H^H^H Google but without success.
> >
> > I believe what you want is at www.cygwin.com. The Bash (and other GNU
> > tools) port to NT was done by Cygnus, which has since been bought by Red
> > Hat. Get the entire tool set. That and NT Emacs make NT almost habitable.
> Thaks, I have got all that. I can start mutt under the bash shell, but it
> asks me whether to open a new Mail folder under /home/500/Mail and then
> exits. I'd need a starter on how to set this up, so that I can get learning
> by doing (or by crashing the system, whatever).
Sorry to take so long to respond; I've been away.
Unfortunately, I don't know the answer to this, so I'll toss it back
to the list; perhaps someone else has a suggestion.
I do think that extra "500" in the path you site is fishy. Is that
correct? You may need to create ~/Mail.
-- C^2
No windows were crashed in the making of this email.
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