On Wed, Mar 14, 2001 at 08:48:43AM +0000, Chris Green wrote:
> >
> The system where I'm running mutt doesn't have a /etc/locale.gen, I'm
> a user not the sysadmin so I don't have the ability to do things as
> root.
> Neither of the above LC_TYPE settings has any effect as far as I can
> see.
> I think maybe there is something broken on the system in question, if
> I can find out what it is I'm sure I can get the system administrator
> to mend it, but I need to be able to tell him what needs doing.
I've been trying things out on another remote system where I can run
mutt via a telnet/ssh link. The *other* system works correctly in
that when I set LANG or LC_ALL to something sensible then I get 8-bit
characters displayed correctly.
A "locale -a" on the good system gives me, among other things a
setting of "en_GB" which is fairly obviously the right setting for UK
English. This value doesn't appear in the list when I do a "locale
-a" on this system here where the problem is.
So it looks like this system isn't set up correctly and thus whatever
I do to LANG, LC_CTYPE or LC_ALL will make no difference at all to
what is displayed.
Having said all that it would still be nice if there was a way to
tell mutt to display 8-bit characters "as is" regardless of the
system's language setting - this would fix my problem in the present
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