On Sun, Mar 11, 2001 at 08:35:11PM -0600, Timothy Legant wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 12, 2001 at 01:25:00PM +1100, Jeff Turner wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Is there any way to configure mutt to send mail through a non-local SMTP
> > server?
> >
> > Yes, I've read the FAQ entry saying "this ain't mutt's job", but.. all mutt
> > does is send mail to *some* SMTP server. Why must that be localhost:25, instead
> > of anotherhost:25? I'm not asking mutt to do the job of a MTA; I just want it to
> > talk to the MTA of my choice.
> Mutt doesn't talk to anyhost:25. It runs an executable that (typically)
> queues the mail for an MTA to transfer later. That's often sendmail, but
> can be qmail, Postfix, exim, etc. So... what you explicitly asked for
> isn't possible.
Now I'm confused.. mutt talks to the MTA via SMTP, right? Or is SMTP a
MTA-to-MTA protocol?
> On the other hand, try looking up ssmtp (there are others that are
> similar). They are not "full" MDA, but have a sendmail wrapper that mutt
> can call, whereafter they will queue the mail, or pass it off to some
> other (remote) MDA. If memory serves, nullmailer is another one.
Thanks, I'll give ssmtp a go. My box doesn't have a hostname (we're using NAT..
yuck), which breaks the assumptions of most MTAs (qmail in my case).
thanks :)
> Tim