I recently discovered a little script called install-sendmail, which helped me set up
sendmail for use with mutt in a few minutes.
you can download it from :
On Thu, Mar 08, 2001 at 06:54:27AM -0700, Dave Murray wrote:
> On Mon, 05 Mar 2001, Suresh Ramasubramanian wrote:
> Dave Murray proclaimed on mutt-users that:
> > > I was able to set up the pop3 for my ISP's mail server and receive mail with
> > > mutt just fine. Now how do I set up sendmail for smtp to my ISP mail server?
> >
> > http://www.hserus.net/dlhowto.html
> [opps, sent it to Suresh instead of the list the 1st time]
> Thank you, I'm still stymied.
> 1. I removed and reinstalled sendmail from the .rpm, edited the .mc (best as I
> could), still didn't work.
> 2. I downloaded the latest tarball and compiled it, still doesn't work (but
> showed improvement, I'm becoming less enchanted with rpm with every attempt to
> use it).
> I can use mutt locally (mail from [EMAIL PROTECTED] to
> [EMAIL PROTECTED], etc.) I just can't figure out how to make it use
> my ISP's smtp address, and work. The verbose script says that it is using my
> ISP's smtp, but all outgoing mail goes to deadletter :0( I can read the mail
> just fine, pop3 works OK.
> This seems to be a sendmail configuration problem, as opposed to a mutt
> problem. Any suggestions on where to go for help with this?
> Regards and peace,
> Dave
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