Chris Green wrote:
> The problem is that the subject lines from the various different
> mailing list servers aren't consistent and many don't even have the
> name of the mailing list in them. Thus it isn't always easy looking
> at the index of my 'subscriptions' mailbox to see which message is
> the one I want.
> Even doing what you suggest won't help as 's' will save the message
> to a mailbox named after the From: line of the message from the
> mailing list server which I suspect will be just as inconsistent as
> the subject line is and won't always provide the mailing list name
> either.
Perhaps you should write a procmail recipie to add the name of the
mailing list to the subject.... it sounds like that would be the best
solution for you.
Don't tell me I'm burning the candle at both ends -- tell me where to
get more wax!!
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