On Wed, Mar 07, 2001 at 01:17:56PM -0600, Bill Andersen wrote:
> Sorry for such a basic question, but I don't want to get too
> involved in figuring out Mutt, if the answer to this quesstion
> is NO...  If it is YES, I'll get some FAQs/Docs and do some
> reading before I ask any more questions...
> I was told that Mutt could be configured to run on the AIX box
> as a stand alone POP3 "client".  In other words, configured to
> check my _ISP's_ POP3, thus elminiating the need for my AIX box
> to handle all the mail using sendmail and/or qmail, etc.

You can set these up in muttrc:

set pop_host=servername
set pop_user=userid
set pop_pass=password (only if you don't want to be prompted)

Then you can use SHIFT-G to tell mutt to hit the pop server. The only
problem is mutt is not a mail delivery agent. It has to pass the outgoing
mail to some application. You also lose some mail parsing capability
( a la procmail ).

David Rock

version 3.12
GIT$>CS$ d-(?) s+:+>+: a- C++$ UL++>++++ P+ L++(+++)>++++$
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PGP signature

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