Horace G. Friend III wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> I'm sorry if I seem to be asking all the basic questions. I'm really new at
> this. I recv mail in text/html and prev 'v' to view it. How do I use the '|'
> pipe command from 'v' to view the text/html in lynx?
> Thanks.
I use the program urlview to view links in my emails. I setup two
macro pager \cl "|urlview\n" #Extract Links from Emails"
macro index \cl "|urlview\n" #Extract Links from Emails"
I just press ctrl+l and it brings up a list of the links in the email
and I select the one i want. You can play around with what it runs to
view the links in the url_handler.sh that is part of the package.
Don't tell me I'm burning the candle at both ends -- tell me where to
get more wax!!
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