( Mon, 05 Mär 2001 ) Andreas Grytz <-- :
> I am sorry for being so unprecise. I don't have a problem with
> the color of the background. I wanted the font of the qutoed text
> to be more bright. The second level quoted text is cyan, which is
> fine. Now I wanted the first level quoted text to be brightblue
> instead of blue.
Depends on how all you files look like, for example do you use all
defaults, do you have your own defined syntax file, what is your
~/.vimrc already doing or do you use the systemwide rc file ??
Ok, I just assume you have a ~/.vimrc and all it does is something
like syntax on or similar to get you some colors.
For an already loaded file try this command in execution mode
:so $VIMRUNTIME/syntax/mail.vim (Doppelpunkt so ...)
If the result is different from your actual, put in your ~/.vimrc:
source $VIMRUNTIME/syntax/mail.vim
Restart vim and check whether you get the same as seen before.
If not, you might change the line where you put it.
The default definitions for colours are in those 2 files
/usr/share/vim or similar, subdir /syntax/ and then
1. synload.vim
2. mail.vim
As far as I can see from my mail.vim all quoting levels are colored
as Comment and as Identifier which is in synload.vim defined cyan
with additions which my console interpretes equally as BrightCyan.
So then all your quote levels should ideally be brightcyan then.
3. hint: for colors there is also a colortest.vim
If that worked copy that $VIMRUNTIME/syntax/mail.vim somewhere to
your home and adjust the mailQuotedx lines according to the color
each quote level should have. In case you have defined other colors
somewhere, you should know which file to take for reference.
Load your mail again, this time do a ":so /path/to/mymail.vim" and
check whether it works (should be fine now) and then replace the
sourcing path in your .vimrc by this one.
For detailed information see a subdir called doc/ for a file
called syntax.txt. ;-)