> I have a question about your formail suggestion. The individual
> messages that make up the digest only have 2 headers: "From" and
> "Subject". So when I run formail, the resulting messages don't have
> anything unique that procmail can use to identify them as being from
> mutt-users. Other list's digests typically do one of two things:
> * Include other headers in the individual messages, such as "To" or
> "Cc", or
> * Prepend something to the subject, like "[wm-users] Original subject
> here".
> How do you handle this when using formail to split the mutt-users
> digest?
The trick is to run formail from your .procmailrc. I'll post the
example from the procmailex manpage:
* ^Subject:.*surfing.*Digest
| formail +1 -ds >>surfing
All messages containing "surfing" and "Digest" in the Subject: header
(that condition should match the surfing list digests) are piped
to formail which splits them, skipping what it considers the first
message. The output, ie the separate messages, are appended to folder
"surfing". So all the messages from one digest go into one mailbox. No
more filtering is necessary.
For mutt-users you would use something like:
* ^Subject:.*mutt-users-digest
| formail +1 -ds >>mutt-users
christian r. molls the rain descended,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and the floods came