* Jan Johansson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [010301 14:47]:
> On Thu, Mar 01, 2001 at 12:28:56AM +0100, Christian R Molls wrote:
> >I usually read my mail sorted by threads. Once in a while (on some
> >lists the while is pretty short), threading breaks because some
> >moron hit the "Reply"-Button not to reply but to compose a message
> >completely unrelated to the one he is replying to. His messages and
> >the replies to it subsequently clutter the original thread.
> As I swa no replies to you inquire I have one loosy suggestion that
> works but is a PITA.
> Use the E key to edit the raw message adn delete the lines.
Actually, I got a private response from Ulf Erikson [0]. He made a
pretty nifty macro for that matter. It uses formail as editor for the
edit command.
I added "<change-folder>^<Enter>", which re-reads the folder after the
message has been edited. You'll need Byrial Jensen's current shortcut
patch for that to work. It can be found on his homepage [1]. Although
written for mutt 1.2, it works for later versions without problems.
macro index ,U "<enter-command>set editor=\
'formail -R References Old-References -R In-Reply-To Old-In-Reply-To\
< %s > /tmp/mutt-fix.$$;mv /tmp/mutt-fix.$$ %s; sleep 1; touch %s'<enter>\
<edit><enter-command>set editor=vim<enter><change-folder>^<Enter>" \
"remove current message's \"References:\" header"
[1] http://home.worldonline.dk/~byrial/mutt/patches/
christian r. molls the rain descended,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and the floods came