* Dirk Laurie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [010301 09:43]:
> Very properly, mutt replies to the "Reply-To" address if one is set.
> I belong to some mailing lists where "Reply-To" is set to the list.
> This is OK if I wish to send to the sender and the list ("g") or to
> the list only ("r") but not if I wish to reply to the sender only.
> E.g. "Listen old chap, I don't want to be nasty but this sort of
> drivel really makes you look a fool" and "Why don't the pair of us get
> together at Luciano's tonight?" fall into that category.
> Is there a mutt function that lest me reply to the "From" address even
> when "Reply-To" is provided?
Make sure $reply_to is set to ask-yes in your .muttrc.
,---- [ mutt manual ]
| 6.3.171. reply_to
| Type: quadoption
| Default: ask-yes
| If set, Mutt will ask you if you want to use the address
| listed in the Reply-To: header field when replying to a
| message. If you answer no, it will use the address in the
| From: header field instead. This option is useful for
| reading a mailing list that sets the Reply-To: header field
| to the list address and you want to send a private message
| to the author of a message.
You might also want to take a look at mutt´s mailing list features
(e.g. the lists and subscribe commands).
christian r. molls the rain descended,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and the floods came