At 16:09 -0800 22 Feb 2001, Eugene Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm trying to compile Mutt 1.2.5i on Mac OS X and I'm getting a bunch of
> warnings in the compilation:

> I'm not so worried about the overlapping function names, but I'm a bit

I didn't see any of those in the messages you included.

> concerned with messasges like "ANSI C does not support `long long'".

Those were all in system include files, so there's nothing the mutt
developers can do about them.  But it's not really anything to worry
about.  GCC supports "long long" even though it's not part of the ANSI C

The warning is there only as a reminder that it isn't portable.
Portability isn't really a concern for system includes, where any
language extensions used basically become required features for
compilers on that system.

Aaron Schrab     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Vir:       Ahh, he has become one with his inner self.
 Garibaldi: He's passed out.
 Vir:       That too.

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