Well I found that it is to:
folder-hook mutt "push <esc>V"
folder-hook lugs "push <esc>V"
Is this wrong?
It is still not working, and I've had it working before.
On Wed, Feb 21, 2001 at 08:16:03PM +0100, Michael Tatge muttered:
| Hi Jason!
| Jason Helfman muttered:
| > On Tue, Feb 20, 2001 at 07:44:44PM +0100, Michael Tatge muttered:
| > | Jason Helfman muttered:
| > | > For some reason, not quiet sure why, I am unable to sort by threads...
| > |
| > | > set sort_aux
| > | ^^^^^^^^
| > |
| > | There's missing a value since $sort_aux is not boolean.
| > I removed that option, and still same result.
| > > > folder-hook . set sort=sent-date
| ^^^^^^^^
| date-sent isn't it? Nevertheless you should be able to sort a
| folder manually. ':set sort=threads' ought to work!
| > > > set strict_threads
| This *could* cause unwanted probs, but shouldn't effect sorting by
| threads in generell.
| HTH,
| Michael
| --
| Why use Windows, since there is a door?
| (By [EMAIL PROTECTED], Andre Fachat)
| PGP-Key: http://www-stud.ims.uni-stuttgart.de/~tatgeml/public.key
/Jason G Helfman
"At any given moment, you may find the ticket to the circus that has always
been in your possession."
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