Is it possible to sort by and/or display in the index the string in
the recipient list which is matched by the 'subscribe' command?
It is nice to be able to separate mail received from lists from those
which are individually sent to me. This is taken care of nicely with
the 'subscribe' command which causes the index to display the first
recipient of the mail preceded by a To or Cc rather than the sender
which is the default given "%Z %{%b %d} %-15.15L (%-10.10a) %s" as my
current display formatting. But often, this first recipient is not the
list to which I am subscribed because the mail has been sent to many
lists. If mutt, when it matches the recipient list to one of my
'subscribe' command arguments, could hold on to that match and display
it, that would be perfect.

Please let me know if this is already implemented and I don't know how
to enable it or if it is currently on the list for future


John J. Niekrasz
2nd Floor, Flat 1
37 South Clerk Street
EDINBURGH             work: (+44 131) 651 1769
EH8 9NZ               home: (+44 131) 662 9465
United Kingdom        facs: (+44 131) 650 4587

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