
I'm a new Mutt user! Thanks to all the developers for a great piece
of work!!

Although I'm a Unix newbie (FreeBSD), circumstances dictate that I do
email on win95 -- so enter Cygwin/Mutt. All's well, except that I can't
get Mutt to load an external editor. I'd like to use the DOS port of
Unix Joe. I've tried with $EDITOR; I've written a sh script to frig
with the paths and tmpdir etc, but no joy! Mutt doesn't crash -- it
simply returns to the "headers/attachments screen". It seems that
whatever Mutt is passing to Joe, Joe is choking on it - or not getting
anything. Do I have to put a %<something> like "set editor = "joe %s"?
And yes, Joe is in the $PATH.

Last issue... any way to have Mutt use my sig file using the "builtin"
editor? It refuses to do so -- maybe that's a "feature". Tia...

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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