Frank Derichsweiler ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) said something
to this effect on 02/15/2001:
> I have a problem during startup of mutt on a fast hardware.
> Starting mutt with
> xterm -geometry 220x80+70+100 -vb -T "mutt Mail" -j -e mutt
> produces a large xterm, but mutt only uses 1/3 of the lines.
> Starting first xterm -geometry 220x80+70+100 -vb -T "mutt Mail" -j
> and then entering mutt <return> produces a "well-formed" mutt,
> i.e. mutt recognizes the proper size. Upon request I can send a
> screen-shot.
Out of curiosity, what happens when you resize the xterm? Does
mutt rearrange itself to take advantage of the full size, after
the xterm is resized? If so, I'd take a look at the curses
library in use, and compare the version with the version
running on the PIII where this problem doesn't occur.
Something like this probably couldn't really be a mutt issue, since
mutt doesn't handle writing to the terminal directly (it uses a
drawing library).
There are trivial truths and there are great Truths. The opposite of a
trival truth is obviously false. The opposite of a great Truth is also true.
-- Neils Bohr