Roel --
...and then Roel Vanhout said...
% Hello all,
% I've switched from using imap to fetchmail + Maildir + maildrop. Now I
% have a few questions:
% - I have accidentally downloaded a bunch of messages
% twice with fetchmail. Is there any way to remove duplicate messages?
If they went through formail the first time then you may lose mail, but
you can otherwise use formail's cache to get rid of dupes. Check the
procmail man pages for more info.
% - When I press 'C' to switch mailbox and press ? to get a list of
% mailboxes, I get only two dots and when I select this, I go back to my
% previously selected mailbox. If I chdir to ~/Maildir, all mailboxes
% show up; is there any way to make mutt go to this directory whenever I
% press '?' for a list of mailboxes?
'C' is copy-message; 'c' is change-folder.
% - Not really mutt-related, but maybe someone knows the answer anyway: is
% there any way to tell maildrop to make maildir mailboxes if they don't
% exist yet, or do I have to do 'makemaildir' every time I add a rule in my
% .maildropfilter?
Dunno; sorry :-)
% Thanks,
% roel
David T-G * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
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