Hi Sam!

sam rosenfeld muttered:

> set folder=/home/sam/Mail/outbox

You seem to have mixed put your pathes a bit, or it this really what you

> but still cannot store sent mail in my /home/sam/Mail/outbox.  (All
> cases correct)

Of cause you can't do that. You set $folder to ~/Mail/outbox, so
that mutt will assume that ~/Mail/outbox is a directory, and not a

set folder=~/Mail           # All mailfolders are expected here and the +/= 
                            # shortcuts refere to this dir
set record=~/Mail/outbox    # All mail you sent out will be saved here

> mailboxes `echo $HOME/Mail/outbox`

Hm, ... so your mailfolders reside under ~/Mail/outbox ?
I'd recommend to take another look in the manual.

> set editor="/usr/bin/mcedit"
> set smart_wrap=yes

> BTW, my smart_wrap does not result in line wrapping, perhaps because
> the set configuration to smart_wrap=yes is a mutt instruction and I am
> using an external editor.  :wq

$smart_wrap has nothing to with the mail you send *out*. It wraps long
lines in the pager, i.e. for *incomming* mail.
For vim put this line in your muttrc:
set editor="vim -c 'set tw=72'" or set it in your vimrc.


There are no threads in a.b.p.erotica,  so there's no  gain in using a
threaded news reader.
(Unknown source)

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