On Wed, Feb 07, 2001 at 10:31:24PM +0100, Rado S. wrote:
> On Wed  7.Feb'01 at 14:24:43 -0700 wrote
> / Is it at all possible to resource my aliases file without restarting mutt?
> / What info I could find on aliases and sourcing the file doesn't mention
> / this specifically. Should I take it that the client must be restarted?
> / 
> / dan
> No restart necessary.
> Just issue:
>       :source <aliasfile>
> where <aliasfile> is the full path to your aliasfile.

Just keep in mind that sourcing the alias file will only add new
aliases.  It won't unalias already created ones.  (Though I suppose it
should update changed aliases).  Sourcing a file is just like using
:<command> for each line in the file.


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