On Wed, Feb 07, 2001 at 12:14:53AM -0500, Ken Weingold wrote:
> What is it that mutt uses to tell that an email is in HTML?  I set
> autoview to launch lynx to view HTML, and all of a sudden I am seeing
> a lot more emails as html.

    If email provides text/plain and text/html (which is often
    true of some mail agents), then it seems that once you have
    specified "autoview text/html" the html becomes the preferred
    attachment to look at.

    see section 5.5. :--  MIME Multipart/Alternative in help file
    `manual.txt' on "alternative_order".  I just used the example
    as given there  viz:-
        text/enriched text/plain text/html application/postscript image
    And so text/plain is selected ahead of text/html... 


Disclaimer:  These are my opinions, not those of my employer
Gerald K. Embery ;                          e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Bureau of Meteorology Research Centre,  
Melbourne, Australia ;       http://www.bom.gov.au/  bmrc/medr/gke.html

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