[Lee Teague]

> here's the problem - I've got several accounts set up through
> fetchmail/procmail going to different folders.  I've got
> mutt set up to switch between the folders with keybinds, and
> folder-hooks to change the from: header, etc. based on the name
> of the folder i'm in, which of course corresponds to the account.
> Here's the problem:  I want the statusbar_format to change based
> on the folder-hook, too.  really all i want is to display what
> account i'm using based on the folder, so however would be the
> best way to do that...

I have noticed that you can't change all setting with folder-hooks
(which would have made my day a little easier).

For things I really need, I have:

- defined a macro for the command i want
  (e.g: macro index z :'set attribution="[%n to [EMAIL PROTECTED]]"\n'^M)   

- added a folder-hook to execute the macro
  (e.g: folder-hook pcadm push z)

Would have preferred to do it with the hook directly, 
but this works :-)

Why can't send-hooks and folder-hooks set any variable?
Andreas Strøm

P.S. Your editor doesn't wrap your lines. Every paragraph is one line!

A tip regarding vim as an editor with mutt -- I have this to limit my 
lines, and to fix long lines when I reply:   

set editor="vim -u .muttrc.d/.vimrc -s .muttrc.d/vimstart"

set tw=70
map £ !}fmt -w 68 -p ">"  

.muttrc.d/vimstart is just a script to put me in the right place in
the message (right above the sig). I looks like this:


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