Bostjan Muller ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) said something to this effect on 02/02/2001:
> Hi!
> I am subscribed to quite a few mailing lists, and every of those mailing lists
> has it's procmail rule and is distributed to it's maibox. I view my mail
> through an imap server, since I view it from random locations/machines, and at
> the end of the month there are more than 5000 emails in some of those
> mailboxes, which slows down my imap server considerably. I was wondering if
> there is a way that some program would check when there are more than let's say
> 2000 mails in an mailbox and than move those mails to some other file and
> create an empty file where the last mailbox was. And then it would do the same
> for the next 2000 mails, except it wouldn't move them but append them.
I use procmail to sort messages based on the date as well as the
list, for example:
* ^Mailing-List:.*modperl.*
modperl-`date +"%m-%Y"`
This puts this month's mail from [EMAIL PROTECTED] into
Then, I have a cron job for the first of each month:
0 1 1 * * (cd /home/darren/mail; ln -s modperl-`date +"%m-%Y"` modperl)
So that the mailbox =modperl always points to the current month's
mailbox; older mailboxes are still available specifically.
Finally, I have =modperl in my mailboxes list.
You can put a man through school, but you cannot make him think.
-- Ben Harper