On Thu, 1 Feb 2001, Steve Fielding wrote:

> Hey Everyone,
>   I switched to Mutt the other day as my main MUA and so far, my
> experience with Mutt has been a good one except for one thing:
>   All of the image files I have sent to myself as attachments keep
> coming back as text files filled as gibberish (fortunately, I haven't
> gotten any legit image files)!  Rather than open the files, XV will
> send back an error message stating "Can't open display."  Does this

lynx may be setting $DISPLAY, which has to be set for xv to run.
(you should set it in your environment anyway).

> have to do with the base encoding or is it perhaps an error in my
> config files (i.e. /etc/mailcap, .muttrc, mime.types)?
>   I have done much tinkering with the /etc/mailcap file, but to no
> avail.  What's strange is that I have no problems at all viewing gifs
> and jpg/jpeg files with XV through Lynx, but the problem seems to be
> only affecting Mutt.
>   Right now, I'm using Mutt 0.9.3 and have even upgraded to 1.0.3, but
> the problem persists.  I have also sent image files to myself from
> both this web account and from my ISP account via Mutt.
> TIA,
> Steve
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