* Thomas E. Dickey [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] on [31-01-01] wrote:
> TRST (the feature in lynx that you're referring to) dates back about a
> year.

But for most of the web-sites that I visit, w3m's handling of tables
and frames is superior to that provided by "TRST".  The lynx manual
outlines some limitations with "TRST" (see below).
  I think in the end of the day, your choice of browser is down to
personal preference, I was just making sure the other reader was aware
of an alternate to lynx (many aren't).  And dont forget "links", any
other text-based readers out there, mutt-users.........?

Starting with version 2.8.3, Lynx renders some tables in tabular form.
This tabular representation for simple tables (TRST) does not attempt
to implement full support for any table model. Limitations are: 

 *  All data constituting a table row generally has to fit within the
display width without inserting line breaks. 
 *  Cell contents have to be simple. In general, only inline markup is
acceptable, no <P>, <BR> etc. (although <BR> may be ignored at the
beginning of the first cell or at the end of the last cell of a row). 
 *  When tables are nested, only the innermost level is a candidate
for tabular representation. 
 *  Most attributes are ignored, including borders, WIDTH, vertical

Brian Foley -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- www.maths.tcd.ie/~brianf

"They called me mad, and I called them mad, and damn them, they
outvoted me."
 - Nathaniel Lee on being consigned to a mental institution, circa 17th c.

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