On Mon, Jan 29, 2001 at 04:27:13PM -0500, mike polniak wrote:
> Yes its fun playing with this stuff. In my pager 'status' line i like
> to see %[fmt] ,the date and time of the message converted to local
> time right next to %<fmt>, the current local time.
Curiously, the 'time received' field (for showing when the message was
received by the machine) isn't localed while the other two are.
Hence the three I have on my pager format (sent, received, current) are
a bit odd in that a message can appear to have arrived a number of hours
before it was sent.
Why don't I fix the time on the machine? It's a US based machine and I'm
not in the US and it's not my machine to do such with =) Hence I have my
locale settings set to my city. Works fine with 'date sent' and current
time, but not with 'date received'. Most peculiar.
iain truskett, aka Koschei. <http://eh.org/~koschei/>
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