In addition to what Peter said, I will add the following :

I use filters the same way as you.  I modified the display variable so
that instead of seeing the list address I see the sender's address.

# sorting for lists
folder-hook lists.* set sort=threads ; set sort_aux=date ;  \
        set index_format="%4C %Z%{%b%d} %-15.15F(%41) %s%| "
                # display the "From" not the list in index view

By putting this in my .muttrc, I also get the list mail sorted by
threads.  (All my lists go into =lists/list_name)


(BTW, the index_format is only 1 (or was it 2) characters different
than the default, the docs on the web site explain it and the various

On Tue, Jan 30, 2001 at 11:10:40AM +0100, Åsmund Skjæveland wrote:
| I use mutt 1.2.5, and read a few mailing list.
| I also use automatic filtering of my mail to put it all in the appropriate
| mailboxes. And I'm wondering what the subscribe command in mutt does, other
| than showing what mailing list the mail was sent to rather than who sent it.
| Since each mailing list goes in its own mailbox, I already know the mails
| were sent to the mailing list in question, and would much rather see who 
| sent the mail. So, does the subscribe command have any actual use, or is it
| just there to annoy?
| Even if I tell mutt "unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]", the list-reply command still
| works.
| -- 
| Åsmund Skjæveland ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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