Using a large mallet, Waldemar Brodkorb whacked out:
> On Fri, Jan 26, 2001 at 01:37:41PM +0100, Stefan Jösch wrote:
> > Hi!
> >
> > My Mutt sends messages in fact, -- although every time I hit
> > the 'y'-button after composing a new message comes the above
> > error message.
> >
> > Has it to do with my sendmail-configuration? I'm on a Linux
> > Mandrake 7.2 machine.
> Oh, shit I have the same Problem, but I did'nt found a solution yet.
> I believe it is not a mutt problem.
date | sendmail -v YOUR@ADDRESS
and see what's happening. Also check the logfile.
Stefan Jösch @
RZ-Online GmbH +++ Cusanusstr. 7 +++ D-56073 Koblenz
fon: 0261 - 392 10 34 +++ mobil: 0173 - 326 856 4