On Mon, Jan 22, 2001 at 10:49:56AM +0000, Pedro Melo wrote:

> There is a patch for procmail to deliver into a maildir. See http://www.qmail.org/

Might be. But Procmail-3.15.1 can do this without a patch.
Isn't it great if an author accepts patches to his program...

> Another solution is to use maildrop, which has maildir delivery builtin,
> and, IMHO, is much easier to program... Maildrop is also available from
> the above URL...

I use a recent postfix (delivers to MAILDIR anyway) and a recent procmail --
I don't need this. Basically I just want to know how this rule:

:0 W: bounce.lock
* ^From.*postmaster@

looks for MAILDIR delivery instead of MBOX delivery.

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