Thus saith Michael P. Soulier:
>     Hey guys. My apologies if this is in the docs, you can just point me to
> it. Currently, I save every message at work that I've ever sent. This makes
> the outbox big quickly, so I copy the outbox occasionally and start with a new
> one, gziping the old one. 
>     Now, if I need to search the gzipped copy, I can unzip it and use mutt's
> excellent regexp support. However, I'm wondering if there's a way to unzip it
> automatically and zip it again. I'm sure someone has done this, I can't be the
> laziest guy in the room! Ok, maybe. ;-)
Well, I must be *really* lazy then.  I use a combination of archive
folders for incoming list-mail via procmail filtering, and then use the
compressed folders patch to save off important info from mails into
compressed folders for the list.  So I can search through them later...

I'm trying to remember where I got the compressed folders patch from
though.... Ah, seemed to have deleted the reference!  Well, maybe
someone else on the list will remember..


Douglas L. Potts  Spectral Systems, Inc. Url:
"But you can't expect to wield supreme executive power just 'cause some watery
tart threw a sword at you!" -Dennis, "Monty Python and the Holy Grail"

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